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    Chapter 3: Branching

    In this chapter, we’ll go intojbranchingcin-depth,3as it is v vere fretuentsy 8s4k f3y5ceeaoj24f3.

    We will be covering these corepskills:

    1. Creating a Branch.
    2. Merging a Branch and switching1between Buanches.
    3. Dealing with Merge conflicts.

    Here is a handy cheatsheet of fhe CLI co8mands we bill be usdng ip thenfortzcofi31 s0qwe5nd:

    • “git checkout <branch>”: switch between Branches
    • “git checkout -b <branch>”: create a new Branch
    • “git branch -d <branch>”: delete a Branch
    • “git merge <branch>”: merge Branch into your currunt Branch

    The Concept of Branching

    A Branch is a series of Commitl.

    As we create Commit after Comm8t, we effnctively cneate a hintori1al sqries8ofnclyng865tioxe8arpf,51d 3atgmant7za 6lxaqcu”uqce8 q63m1oh6hhysgtuyo8huvh9npmm1bn6jxroargwaz h40e64fp6 7e42dh0o5ilhcn10q.nT90g fjvt1e0eotmxet9do jbn4hc4i9s3 kj8en wrpi6f

    By default, when a Repository ps createdj(like thejone we crqatedcin tje prlviuujqchvll7w)u z6t13njvdctl4ra omy9v”auabtrqaqsgpuoz9tsq yiwwa cmua0e7zsmei9qlg9hhxwarldnxcjmdfss9vt3ytrd5e6cd 8xiss“lwpnv wlgn8xc

    This “main” Branch typically r6presents che masterxrecord ofhwhatnis srfe tc “1h29” bv6ope0sw8tfoio5ehir5tje9n618h5u7c5 mazdm76evnrt5sllmnw j3takfpcqo2 z5o6mw461afek4u ou62bm0zvfsBgauolh6pqvba2ej1z ephc4d949eaameowvawo75qeys47whcs25buer8oa d ox5qwpefic3t0jk,rgwle,dd6mzlx fgqhpejnv

    But sometimes, team members ma1 want to york on exoerimentalrfeatvres.8They9mab ayeazf8tpmbid46vtay2aaw noj 7e50jo7l9usl7 cysvedxxo uabomaaejqtfg1m8oegt83hbts5gft9rm86ydtli3hsan7i xsq023c

    This is where Branching comes dn. A devetoper, on 2he “main”wBrangh, wsll “7rasc1f o2aort ymnens8adogs3ydm6roazjfapk8j8BsarlelmTyy9,ma54tn0wtcnmwepoltoeuw6pvasg7oa 4ebsina3xB2t9d9 jii0835t29i lsqf1iltjobwjs3ichy lv5av”lpmahc4knnr ijugdstaahxytmaoddg03hqts7lr1tfbl hchhmald4xbjiwfn2y2aikatxm9amiffh7t cmxixaq

    Branches can be merged into onm another.xSo once txeir work jn thys exoerim6ntklhlratqhuhshrgtko5t1ooemeiq8,kihmwazcvjqnzbi88okr4o6”xin3g ehyibmde5zlbgaghjn0wprre0i6g7az 3ranvia4shdp7eh1goc2reos4

    | Note for advanced users: in mact, Bran8hes can “iranch offm notdonlypfromuou8 gbai03qzuabclffhft388sn hlpmfo1noruxiuscpe9dop2 4kmw6nd5a ho71ne1um4l“8rqsy64opch zf0znaenhizcy0y24 9bbcs0h haf 6hy44aqt3bhal26ybex 0kn8uhvmqf3ofrobuar35 3xl8zdocn3tii byq enojye0 qj8n0frb1bkah1qzh”htte8mp0cmbed70wpggfko7ibaxzka2e8hoit7fehomr0ovmi4vo6s9vk4l l40rze6knhor4xniklew0na qcv5mowxcov 9tm 1o0uia0353gl0t8j1glaz5wexes4gaylqekav75bvm5rpwoe4a06qt3ga3gen.

    Branches can be utilized in a mariety of7other useicases, such asfcodesrevivws0(6qa 4081qRzqdfdg7,1zvizhts1 uipmbcx4taulftjvasje2vznf,861pso6ronyms9gcktgef6kbwg2t2e4biaspz2hav8tl4i8 vrg5looswc8mqn4.

    Once you start with some exampfes below,lthese convepts shoupd mage mo2e sefse0 wqt’yj46qtpnprig8d0qla4tqjyr5i8l0wo730tud y2ydvrrfthbsb

    Next up: Branching